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PLUMBER’S TIP 1 – Keep Your Drains Clean With This Trick

To keep your drains clean, pour about 1/4 cup of baking soda into your sink and bathtub drains every month or so, then pour in some warm water – enough to get the powder well into the drain. Next, pour in 1 cup of white vinegar. Allow this mixture stand a few hours or overnight and then flush with hot water. The mixture will dissolve bacteria buildup and drain scum! But if it’s too late and you already have a #Clogged drain. “Just Call Cooke’s!”

PLUMBER’S TIP 2 – Maintain Your Shower Heads

Once a year, remove the shower heads in all of your bathrooms to give them a good cleaning. This will improve the water pressure by removing any sediment and mineral deposits that have accumulated over time.

1. Remove the shower head. Unscrew the nut connecting the shower head to the shower arm. You should use a wrench instead of pliers and wrap the nut with a cloth to prevent it from getting scratch marks on it.

2. Rinse the shower head. Hold the shower head upside down and run a strong blast of warm water from the sink through it and rinse out all the loose debris you can.

3. Clean the shower head. Scrub the shower head with a toothbrush and vinegar to loosen debris. You can also straighten out a paper clip and poke out additional deposits. Finally, soak the shower head in vinegar overnight to dissolve any remaining deposits. Rinse one more time before re-attaching it to the shower arm.

PLUMBER’S TIP 3 – Proper Use of Your Garbage Disposal

A damaged or faulty garbage disposal can lead to expensive repairs and clogged drains in your kitchen sink. Follow these three simple steps to ensure a smoothly running garbage disposal and a healthy drainage system.

1. Never add food until after the disposal has been turned on and the water is running.

2. Bones as well as fibrous and stringy food that are hard to grind up will cause your disposal and drain to quickly get clogged. They can and will also damage the blades of the disposal unit. Refrain from putting foods like potato skins, celery and chicken bones in the garbage disposal.

3. To keep the drain line in your sink clog-free, run the water after using the disposal for 15-20 seconds.

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